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How to write a good restaurant review
How to write a good restaurant review

When rating a GoFood restaurant after you get your food, you can also write a review about your opinion and experience with the restaurant.

Besides for the restaurant's evaluation purposes, the reviews you wrote can also be seen by other customers on the restaurant’s profile page as a reference. Therefore, please write your honest review in a polite manner :)

For more details, check out the following guidelines:

  1. Write an honest review based on your experience of the restaurant's product and/or service in 20 - 4.000 characters.
  2. Provide a detailed review of the product (quality, quantity, and packaging) and/or restaurant’s service. For example, you can write about whether the product you received matches the description stated in the product details.
  3. Remember to be polite, even when writing a bad review.
  4. Avoid using language that may offend other consumers/sellers.
  5. Avoid writing about things that are not relevant to the quality/quantity/packaging of the product or the restaurant’s service, for example, comments about the driver who delivered your food (click here to know how to rate and review driver's service).

Read more about GoFood Reviews and Ratings Terms & Conditions here.


  • Your name and profile picture will not be shown to the restaurant and other customers to protect your privacy
  • You can’t change/delete your review after submitting it
  • GoFood has the right to delete reviews that do not comply with the Terms and Conditions