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I can’t submit account profile name
You will get the following notification if the profile name you entered does not follow our terms and condition:

To resolve this issue, please ensure the name you entered matches the following condition:
- The profile name must contain at least 2 (two) characters and a maximum of 30 (thirty) characters
- If your name contains more than 30 characters, please shorten it
- Your profile name must not start or only be filled with spaces
- Profile names cannot contain:
- Numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
- The following punctuation marks: "~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={[]}|:;"<,>?/®©"
- Disrespectful, rude, dirty, vulgar, and or forbidden words
- Some or variations of words related to Gojek, including business units, and services, are also prohibited from being used as profile names
- Profile names are also prohibited from emulating other well-known business entities, as well as merchants on the Gojek platform
The policy above is meant to protect the safety and comfort of all users when using Gojek services. We hope this information helps you.