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Multi Destination Feature
Multi Destination Feature

Goride understand the inconvenience drops if you want to stop over some places during the trip, this function allows up to 2 extra stops (3 stops total) for your rides. Please follow the instructions:

1. Tap on the search bar

2. Tap on 'Add a destination'. You can add up to 2 more destinations (3 destinations in total)

3. Enter the addresses of your destinations. Ensure that they are entered in the correct sequence as you will not be able to change it after booking a ride

4. Verify that the addresses are correct, then tap on 'Next'

5. Once you're ready, you can proceed to order a GoRide

*Note: in order to prevent any inconvenience for you during the trip, make sure your stops don't take more than 5 mins. Please well inform the driver in terms of the destinations and the final fare you have to pay displayed in App

Good luck!  

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