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I haven't received OTP code
I haven't received OTP code

If you do not get OTP code sent to your phone number, please try again and follow these steps:
1. Enter a correct phone number or email registered with Gojek
2. Make sure your mobile signal is good to get SMS with verification code
3. Wait a moment then input the verification code in Gojek app

If our system notifies you have entered an incorrect verification code, please check again and make sure you input a valid code.

If you currently lost your phone number, please contact your mobile carrier directly to restore phone number. Then you can continue logging in to Gojek with the phone number you registered.

Please note: DO NOT share verification code with anyone, it's a confidential information. And Gojek also never ever ask you to provide it.

We hope you have a good experience with Gojek.

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