Introducing the New “Merchant Hygiene Badge” by GoFood!
Introducing the New “Merchant Hygiene Badge” by GoFood!
gofood / 24 Feb 2024

Hi GoFoodies,

Amid these challenging and uncertain times, Gojek and GoFood strive to continue delivering the best services for you, while implementing J3K (Jaga Kesehatan Jaga Kebersihan, Jaga Keamanan) safety protocols across our platform. (Click here for further information). 

Prioritizing hygiene and safety, we work closely with merchant partners to ensure these standards are applied: 

  1. Wear masks before preparing food
  2. Ensure food is properly packaged and safely sealed 
  3. Check the temperatures of employees and drivers daily, which are then recorded in a body temperature card 

Merchants who abide by the hygiene standards above will be provided with the new GoFood Hygiene Badge on their GoFood profile.

We hope you have the most joyful and safe culinary experience with GoFood.