How to Use GoPay Help Page
How to Use GoPay Help Page
gopay / 24 Feb 2024

GoPay understands your needs so well, especially when it comes to paying things. But, if you wish to find information about your GoPay transaction or experiencing issues related to GoPay, such as top up problems, unable to send GoPay balance, and others, you can check Help Page on the Gojek app.

If you haven't yet learned how to use the Help Page on Gojek apps, you can follow the steps below.

How to Use Help Page in Gojek App

1. Open your Gojek apps, click “Eksplor” or “Explore” on the GoPay menu.

2. Click “Bantuan” or “Help”.

3. Click the “GoPay” topic.

4. Choose the subtopic related to your issue. Example: If you’re having trouble with top up, you can choose the “I haven’t received my GoPay top up”.

5. Read carefully the instructions written.

6. If you still need help, choose “Kirim email ke Gojek” or “Mail us”. Don’t forget to attach any supporting documents in the email!

How to Check Your Ticket’s Status

  1. You will be able to see your ticket status right from the apps’ homepage after making one. Or, you can access the “My Tickets” feature through the “Help” page by clicking the “(?)” button in the upper right corner.
  2. On the “My Ticket” page, you will be able to:
    1. Check the ticket, is it still active or needs more information.
    2. Check the finished ticket.
    3. Give feedback after the ticket is solved.
  3. After clicking one of your tickets, you will be able to:
    1. Check the reply from Gojek customer service.
    2. Give a response to the reply.
    3. Download the photos if needed.

*Make sure you also check your e-mail that registered to Gojek apps to see the reply. If your e-mail is not verified yet, check this page to know how to.

You can also call Gojek customer care directly for emergency assistance. Choose the “Safety and Emergency Situation” on the “Help” menu to contact our customer service.

So, don’t hesitate to contact and use the Help Page, this is an effective way to ask for GoPay’s assistance. Share this information to your friends and family, so they can use GoPay comfortably. Don’t forget to top up your GoPay balance, because paying anything is easier with GoPay!

If you have further questions and need more information, you can contact customerservice@gojek.com