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How to order GoShop
How to order GoShop

The food or item you want to buy is not listed on GoFood or GoMart? Don’t worry, you can use GoShop to get it all!

Follow the steps below:

  • Choose GoShop on the homepage. 
  • Click ‘Order now’ to find the store location that you want, or you can also choose a store from the recommendation list
  • In some selected shops you can directly select the items and contact the shop by clicking the WhatsApp icon
  • Click ‘Add item’ and write the item description you want to buy along with the estimated price
  • Click ‘Save’ everytime you add an item, then continue the process
  • In the Order Confirmation page, recheck your order and click ‘Order GoShop’ to make an order


  • GoShop service can't be used to buy digital products such as phone credits (pulsa), pay for online orders, etc.
  • The maximum item you can buy are 13 items
  • The maximum distance of GoShop service is 25 km
  • The store location point can be set  up to the maximum distance of 100 km from the order location.
  • Parking fees prior to pick-up is the driver responsibility, unless it’s previously agreed to be paid by the customer
  • Parking fees after pickup are the responsibility of the customer, with prior agreement before entering the parking area and toll lane
  • You can still chat the driver up to 2 hours after your order is completed
  • You can see your chat history with the driver for 24 hours after your order is completed
  • During the emergency public activity restrictions (PPKM Darurat) in Java and Bali, GoShop service will follow the operational hours in the area with a maximum time of 20:00. Click here for more info regarding this policy.

The food or item you want to buy is not listed on GoFood or GoMart? Don’t worry, you can use GoShop to get it all!

Follow the steps below:

  • Choose GoShop on the homepage. 
  • Click ‘Order now’ to find the store location that you want, or you can also choose a store from the recommendation list
  • In some selected shops you can directly select the items and contact the shop by clicking the WhatsApp icon
  • Click ‘Add item’ and write the item description you want to buy along with the estimated price
  • Click ‘Save’ everytime you add an item, then continue the process
  • In the Order Confirmation page, recheck your order and click ‘Order GoShop’ to make an order


  • GoShop service can't be used to buy digital products such as phone credits (pulsa), pay for online orders, etc.
  • The maximum item you can buy are 13 items
  • The maximum distance of GoShop service is 25 km
  • The store location point can be set  up to the maximum distance of 100 km from the order location.
  • Parking fees prior to pick-up is the driver responsibility, unless it’s previously agreed to be paid by the customer
  • Parking fees after pickup are the responsibility of the customer, with prior agreement before entering the parking area and toll lane
  • You can still chat the driver up to 2 hours after your order is completed
  • You can see your chat history with the driver for 24 hours after your order is completed
  • During the emergency public activity restrictions (PPKM Darurat) in Java and Bali, GoShop service will follow the operational hours in the area with a maximum time of 20:00. Click here for more info regarding this policy.