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I can't submit restaurant review
I can't submit restaurant review

If you can't submit your review for a restaurant, it's probably because your review:

  • Is less than 20 characters or more than 4.000 characters
  • Includes words that are impolite, inappropriate, and/or offensive to ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup (SARA)

Click here to read GoFood Reviews and Rating Terms & Conditions.

After making sure your review complies with the Terms and Conditions, you can try submitting your review again.

Can I submit my review for a restaurant directly from GoFood website?

We are excited to hear about your experience with GoFood's services. However, the restaurant rating and review feature is currently unavailable on the www.gofood.co.id page. No worries! You can still give restaurant ratings and review from the Gojek application. Read the full info here.